Why Is Nietzsche God Is Dead

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“God is dead” the striking quote that alarms any reader at first grasp with such an affirmative claim. However, for Nietzsche it isn’t what first subjectively meets the eye when reading this statement, instead by this notion he means God has “ceased to be believable” (The Gay Science, section 343) and quite frankly, is unworthy of belief. Stephen Hawking proclaimed “Science makes God unnecessary”, Lawrence Krauss notes we are simplistically a universe derived from nothing and Richard Dawkins draws the correlation of God to Santa Claus based in the foundation of delusion (Pedersen.2017, Lecture Topic #10). The common dominator with these profound academics and the philosophical mindset of Nietzsche is that science undermines the ability to have …show more content…

However, for Nietzsche he thought the absorbed conception that God is dead comes with an underlining dilemma being Nihilism. This problematic occurrence is what Nietzsche identified as a will to nothingness. Theists primarily ground their lifestyle and daily habitual tasks revolving around their faith, from consistent prayer to virtuous tasks they have one common dominator acting out as God’s agents thinking in an mindset of what would God do. When you deplete and demolish God not only is faith broken but your essence as God’s supposed agent is. Hence, all the prayer all the consistent aspirations of achieving the highest form of quality of life Nirvana, the ideal afterlife collapses as result. It drains the aim, purpose and goal and fulfills ones reality with a lack of meaning. The direct correlation between God being dead and Nietzsche’s idea of Nihilism, is that due to god being dead it directly creates the dilemma that is Nihilism. Regardless if theist, or atheist either are satisfied with the harsh reality living a virtuous, pious life to result in being worm food to preserve the circle of life isn’t rewarding, merely depressing. If it all results to nothing, it molds into Nietzsche’s will of nothingness a life consumed of despair and sorrow or like previously stated in the hedonistic approach over indulging in material pursuits. This is throughly concerning considering it presupposes the question why choose one action vs the other? why act virtuous? why be kind? considering one’s autonomous decisions ultimately mean nothing. Due to Nietzsche’s predominant discussions on Nihilism people tend to reside him as being a Nihilist however, it’s quite the contrast. He wrote on the arisen conflicts that Nihilism creates for the face of humanity. He believed science didn’t need the