
Why Is The Great Depression An Important Conflict In History

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Maya Burtenshaw English 9B Hour 1 Mrs. Thompson 26 January 2023
The Great Depression Was an Important Conflict in History.
There was a time in history where 43% of Americans were left jobless. This time period was called The Great Depression, this event was a key factor that has shaped our world today. The Great Depression started in 1929 and later ended in 1939. It was a key portion of history that had many causes that led up to it, many events during it, as well as multiple good and bad outcomes of the tragic event.
The Great Depression had many causes that led up to it. Most of these causes were small but when put together they can seem large. This can be shown by Pells when he states that “The worst depression ever experienced by …show more content…

Beneath the crashing economy of The Great Depression, the United states economy was soundlessly making extensive strides during the 1930s. Alexander Field, an economic historian states that the 1930s were “the most technologically progressive decade of the century” (Field). This quote is conveying that the 1930s were incredibly forward thinking. This is because there were so many inventions that were created in a small amount of time. For example washing machines and refrigerators became mass-market products, roads became wider and railroads became faster, the television was also created. The Great Depression was “cyclically, the worst decade of the 20th century, and yet, secularly, one of the best” (Lenohardt). The 1930s had many awful things that happened but also many good things that happened. The Great Depression was one of the worst decades because it caused many people to be without a stable source of income, food, good crops, as well as the economic crash of 1929, yet it was also one of the best decades in the fact that it resulted in many new inventions. The Great Depression was an important event in history that contained many causes, events that happened in between as well as many after effects. To be specific, the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the Dust Bowls of 1930, and the making of many new inventions due to The Depression. The Great Depression was a key piece of history that the world will never forget due to its effects and challenges. However, what would the world be like if The Great Depression was not experienced by everyone? The world today would have a much smaller federal government as well as organized money would be gaining more power over

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