Several people have encountered children reciting past events, (memory lapse), over the past hundred years. Seeing it for yourself makes believing in reincarnation easier. People want to believe in reincarnation, because it creates a hope for a new life. Also, for those who believe in reincarnation believe that it’s there, because God has a plan for them after death, which makes dying, seem less scarier than it actually is. Children from the ages of two to six are most likely to recall past events of another life, more than others. Sixty-eight percent of children’s stories have been proven correct. Dr. Ian Stevenson is one of the most famous doctors who have explored in the Reincarnation and Hypnotic field. Throughout his lifetime, since …show more content…
Dr. Stevenson interviewed with some parents of the children who have experienced memory lapse, and he has recorded how they “want to believe that it is real because then they can have another life and not make any mistakes.” However, that is not completely how the reincarnation process works. Once you enter a new life, you are supposed to forget everything from your past life. Dr. Stevenson calls those who remember it, “a special gift from God”; he also says in one of his reports how the children who remember their past lives, is God’s way of telling people he is real. Sixty-four percent of the children, who have recalled memories, don’t remember making the minor mistakes, only major ones that have changed their blueprints. Sylvia Browne, an American author and claims to be a medium and to have psychic abilities, had an interview with Dr. Stevenson, and she told him how blueprints are maps for our next life, and when we are on the other side we create them before reincarnating. Her theory on blueprints also makes Deja Vu more believable. When a person makes a mistake, it can be a good thing or a bad thing. For those who make good mistakes, with good consequences, they wrote that mistake into their ‘blueprint’, but the ones with bad mistakes, they change their blueprints completely because that’s not how they planned it. When the blueprint is changed it alters your memory, causing some to remember a lot of their past lives …show more content…
Seventy-two percent of people across North America believe in some kind of God. Reincarnation reassures them that their God has a plan for them after death. Everyone has a fear; thirty-two percent of the fears are about death. For some, who believe in reincarnation, aren’t worried about death. Sixty-four percent of teenagers, from the ages sixteen to nineteen, in the US, have said how they aren’t afraid of dying when they reach an old age, because they know that dying isn’t the worst thing. They think they are going to reincarnate. Also, reincarnation puts its own little spin to the whole ‘nine lives’ thing. However, some people believe with reincarnation in the way they aren’t really even dying, simply just recreating themselves to be better. When they put God into this idea, it makes more sense to them somehow. Dr. Stevenson talked to over a hundred different people of different religions, and asked about reincarnation. Over fifty percent of them said how they don’t believe in the ‘blueprint’ idea, but they do believe that God doesn’t like how they lived there life right now, with all their mistakes, so he is going to give them another life. Some hear this and wonder “How many more lives?” Nobody is perfect, unless God is reincarnating us to become perfect, but how many lives is that going to take? That’s how the idea flows so easily with ideas, because everyone loves the idea of being