Why Matt Gave So Much Leeway To El Patron

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While reading these chapters I began to notice why Matt gave so much leeway to El Patron in terms of his evil acts. Matt never believed the words that Maria’s mother wrote even though he had the evidence right in front of him. Matt has so much respect for El Patron because he is like a father to Matt. Growing up, El Patron gave Matt all that he could dream of. In return, Matt grew to love El Patron. In chapter 24 El Patron dies and Matt is needed to save El Patron. The love that Matt felt for El Patron made him stop for a moment to reflect on why El Patron treated him so well. Matt felt the pull of family and belonging that nearly costs him to give his life to save a monster. Blood is thicker than water is a phrase used often to explain the …show more content…

The Keepers, first, wanted to punish Fidelito for a crime he didn’t commit, but if that wasn’t enough, they took away Matt’s identity. The Keepers used their power to convince the boys that even though Matt was their leader, he was still lesser than them. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. The Keepers are afraid of Matt and the only way to get rid of their problem is to get rid of Matt. Chapters 32 and 33 proved to me that Matt needs to get out of the orphanage now or he will risk death. I found the boneyard to be very confusing. How is it that Matt continues to go deeper without moving? The boneyard seems to be the place to put the problem children in hopes that it will scare them into acting good. Matt and Chaco will not change just because the Keepers put them in a death trap. The boys actually grew closer by being stuck in a situation where they could die. If Matt continues to act up after he returns to the other boys, the Keepers could put him back at the boneyard. Ton-Ton is changing into a rebellious boy that will help Matt escape. I was very surprised to find that Ton-Ton actually stood up for Matt when the Keepers were telling the other boys lies. An escape is coming in the next few chapters, Matt will need to hurry his plans in order to survive the wrath of the