Why College Athletes Should Get Paid

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College athletes have never been paid, but many people believe that college athletes are already getting paid when they receive full and half ride scholarships. When they receive those scholarships, colleges pay for their room and board, tuition, and books. However, there are athletes that do not even get that. Some athletes have to pay for college out of their own pockets. Plus, it is believed that athletes already receive special treatment. So many people would say why bother to argue this topic? Because there are several reasons that need to be considered. College athletes should get paid because they risk a lot. They risk the rest of their lives to entertain and make it a living, but they can get hurt at any time. It could be an injury that could ruin the rest of their lives., They could die, break bones, lose limbs, or become paralyzed . In the NFL, the athletes are paid millions to play the game. Yet college athletes do not just play sports, they have classes to attend, homework to do, and exams to pass. So they have more on their plate than most pro …show more content…

With the stereotype that college athletes get special treatment, the prospect that they can get paid and other students in college do not would seem fair. There are students in these schools that work hard every day. Yet as a college athlete everything is harder on them. College athletes have early morning practices and early morning classes. Then they practice again in the afternoon and have to find time to study and complete their school work while having to find time to workout throughout the week as well. Everybody at the school is counting on the athletes to make the school look great, which requires a lot of work. So if you think college athletes have it easier than other students, remember they really do not because they are required to do more. Now after all you have read, do you believe college athletes should get