Why Should College Basketball Players Be Paid?

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College basketball officially began in 1891. The first ever National Invitational Tournament (NIT) was held in 1938. The NIT was followed the establishment of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) the next year in 1939 the same year the NCAA also held a tournament. (Pearson). The history of college basketball dates back over 100 years ago and although not a huge issue back in the 1800’s, here in 2018 the debate over whether or not college basketball players should be paid is attracting more and more interest by not only the players themselves, but pro players and sports analysts alike. College basketball players bring in millions of dollars to their school every year, yet they don’t see a penny of that money. With all the money that the NCAA is making off of these players they should be compensating the players accordingly. Both the coaches and students have equally …show more content…

Going to college was never meant to be seen as a job, “What they do not understand is that college is not a place of work and that it is meant to further education for a future career.” (Jones). They also already receive a “free education due to their scholarship, and all of the different sports would not be able to be paid the same amount.” (Jones). They’re already going to school for free and that should be considered more than enough. Another issue with paying players would be that “College students love college sports because the athletes are students just like they are. The athletes are in classes and are seen on campus.” (Jones). If these athletes were to be paid it would separate them from every other student that doesn’t get paid just to go to college. Just like regular students who attend school, some with scholarships and some without, college basketball players don’t deserve to be paid when they’re already receiving so many other

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