
Why Should Huckleberry Finn Be Banned

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The controversy over whether or not The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should be banned has been a recurring topic over many decades in public school districts. The appearance of the ‘n’ word and the treatment towards the African American race, has made many readers uneased. In this novel, Mark Twain expresses realness of the world in that time period and projects it onto the characters in this story. Getting rid of this book in schools would reflect on children not learning the realness of the past, our history. Why should Mark Twain’s writing be penalized because of what’s going on in the world today ? This novel should not be censored nor banned due to the fact of citizens animosity on how it is written, good or bad this story is a part of American history. We do not have the right to change Mark Twain’s writing just because we do not …show more content…

In the novel the word “nigger” was used alot by ‘Pap’ the father of Huck. For example,when pap found out that a Black man is able to vote he immediately says “they’d let that nigger vote, I drawed out. I says i’ll never vote agin.”(Twain 6) . Now yes there were many racist remarks made in this book over the word nigger, but that should not be the only view point of this novel . This book was never fully understood because people decided to base their view on this book solely on one word. Having the word “nigger” in Huckleberry Finn is one of the biggest teachable moments for students to grow and learn about the era of those parts in history. If you take out everything in the book that causes the teachable moments then you have no teachable moments, no room for your students to grow and learn. Those who have opposed this book never fully comprehended the full story and how Huck grew to understand that the people who have raised him were wrong about their ways

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