Why Should I Stay At Valley Forge Essay

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War is hard to fight but the hardship is not always bayonets and bullets. In December 1777, General George Washington made a winter camp at Valley Forge in Pennsylvania. The British army who are under General Howe was only eighteen miles away in Philadelphia. Washington now has a hard and challenging problem to face. The summer soldiers and the sunshine patriot have to work all nine months in the winter. In the harsh, dreaded winter at Valley Forge, your enlistment has finally retired also soldiers suffered long winters, went home, and quit while others decided to fight for America’s independence. But now there is a decision that should be made. Will I stay and be loyal to the Continental Army, or will I quit and be with my family at home? To quit means to stop, cease or discontinue or even to leave a place or a person. It is easy to leave and not deal with all the …show more content…

Hereby, I choose to stay and re-enlist at Valley Forge, for three reasons, there is a chance for me not to die of sickness because there are surgeons who can help us in medical care, there is patriotism and the Committee of Congress help them, and people are willing to fight for our freedom and be strong and courageous, as Patrick Henry says, “Give me liberty or give me death!”
The first reason I will re-enlist is because there are surgeons and doctors who can help me heal when I am injured and help me get back to the war and fight again, also there weren’t many people who died in the previous war, so that proves they are good at war and fighting. During wars,