The drinking age is 21 in the United States. Some people seem to believe that the minimum age should be 18. This topic has been debated for years. The United States drinking age has gone up and down for years. It has recently gone up to the age of 21. Before the drinking age went up, many events had occurred. It started when the United States tried to ban alcohol in every state, no matter what your age is, you still could not drink alcohol. This was called National Prohibition. It succeed but didn’t last, it ended in 1933. The Constitution gained the 18th Amendment when the Prohibition started. The 18th Amendment prohibited the manufacture, sale, transport, import, or export of alcoholic beverages. Though, this amendment was revoked in 1933 by the 21st amendment, it legalized beer and other alcohol. When National Prohibition ended, each state made their own drinking laws. Some made them 18, others made them 21. This last until THE National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 was passed. This act forced all states to change their drinking age to twenty one. If they didn’t raise their drinking age, they lost part of their Federal- Aid highway funds. Because this drinking act was past they states had to pass laws that were helped fight against drinking and driving. …show more content…
It’s a fact that ¾ of teens drink when they are high school seniors. The big issue for underage drinking is where the under age teens drink. Obviously the teens don’t want to get caught or get in trouble. So they turn to underground drinking. Underground drinking is where people under the drinking age drink with people acknowledging they are. People will bring beer to a party and drink it with their parents knowing. The police search for underage drinking, but even after they are caught they go out and do it again. But this time, they are smarter and will hide it better then they did last