Why Should You Use The Most Trusted Tax Agent At Etax Plus

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Why should you use the most trusted tax agent at Etax Plus for your 2017 tax return? Simply put there are a number of reasons, but the main reason is we have the most trusted tax accountants in Sydney or Parmatta in Australia and understand the complicated tax rules. We will get it right, charge you only reasonable fees, never any extra fees, and are responsible after lodgements. We provide fast and reasonable service.

It's no wonder 74% of Australians use a tax service. That is because the rules for the income come you must declare can be complicated, such as rules involving your investment income, including capital gains tax, rent, dividends, and interest, employment income, super pensions, government payments, annuities, and foreign income. You must also declare, money received from crowdfunding, income from the sharing economy, such as Uber, trust income, business and partnership income, and other income, inducing insurance payments, compensation, discounted shares under employee share schemes, awards, and prizes. Naturally, the records you must show to the ATO must be detailed. The rules involving the tax deductions you can claim can be complicated too, so it pays to use trusted tax accountants when preparing your return. …show more content…

You can be sure the agents of the ATO are there only go get as much money from you as possible, not to help you get money back. As the number one tax firm in Sydney, we know what we are doing and understand the complicated rules and regulations you have to follow when filing your taxes.

Not All Tax Agents Are

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