Nowadays, lots of athletes are having an illegal issue such as doping before they go on to the real game. If they try to dope, they will have an increased ability which may lead to victory in the event. Basically, doping is taking a drug for the recreational purposes and the use of banned athletic performance-enhancing by the athletic competitors. Doping should be banned to test out the true ability of the athletes participating to the game. Also, for the accuracy and the fairness of the match, doping test should be held out to check every single sports man before they get involved in the event. The term “doping” has its roots in the Dutch word dope, which was the name of an alcoholic beverage made of the grape skins. It was not introduced …show more content…
This is an activity that is strictly quantified in the International Standard for the testing and investigating purposes. The sports athletes are convened for the doping testing at any time in anywhere in their home country or outside their country. They are required to have a urine and blood samples for the test samples. Moreover, there are two different types of doping tests: out of competition test and in competition tests. In competition test refers to the doping tests shown in the relation between the competition game. Unless doping test is indicated from the international standard or another anti-doping organization, it means to take 12 hours in priority at the start and end of the competition. This method is generally related to the collection of samples within the competition. In some kind of sports, the result for one’s doping test are not allowed to be shown officially even during the Olympic. When athletes have come to break their record, the athlete must attend the doping control in order to be provided by the regulations according to the sports game. Then he/she can get further information about their sports alliance. On the other hand, out of competition test refers to the doping test held on outside of competitions. The samples for this test is non approved substances, hormones, growth factors and metabolism modulators. International sports organizations may have regulations of their own concerning the substances to be tested, and it is athlete’s responsibility to be aware of the relevant rules according to the