Why Stress Management Is Important Than A Non-Athlete

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Stress is a major issue that many athletes face in all varieties of sports. Many people manage stress in different ways. The textbook definition of stress is a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life and something that causes strong feelings of worry or anxiety. I believe everyone goes through stress but when it comes to athletes they must be managed in a certain way. In this case study assignment, I will discuss how athletes deal with stress and why stress management is important for athletes. I believe an athlete can handle stress better than a non-athlete because he or she is trained to handle pressure, over-training or competing too much can ruin years of hard work. Athletes must be very careful to achieve a …show more content…

Some might love things like rock climbing or kayaking, others might feel great stress relief from yoga or meditation. Some might love playing video games. The important thing is you know you, and you’re able to carve out time in your week for activities you love and which de-stress you. (Juliana 2012) Cultivate a Support System There are few things that can help more in reducing stress than to surround yourself with key people that care about your success and well-being. Bond as much as you can with both your teammates and like-minded classmates. Get to know your coaches and teaching assistants. If you’re feeling stressed about any particular situation, talk about it with someone who’s involved with the issue or with a neutral third party. (Juliana 2012) Follow these tips, and both your academic and athletic activities will benefit. A question that I asked myself during this study was. Does stress have an effect on and athletes performance? Everyone knows that stress can have a negative impact on performance. But not all stress is bad for your performance. “Stress can affect your performance in two different ways. Stress can help you when it makes you more alert, more motivated to practice, and gain a competitive edge. In the right amount, stress helps you prepare, focus, and perform at your high level”. (Cohn …show more content…

Lebron James does not go on social media and no phone the said that he wants no distractions during playoffs and he wants to focus only on basketball and I believe this helps him to perform better with him not hearing or seeing any negativity to reduce his stress level. An athlete who is moving, breaking up with a partner, or going through other life-changing events will experience stress which will have an effect on performance. Since there is no way to really get rid of the stress, the best way to combat it is to cut down on stress in other areas. If lifestyle stress is high, cut down on competition, and see training as therapy. Do only as much as makes you feel good. Never completely avoid physical exercise when you are stressed, as exercise, as long as there is no over-training, reduces overall

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