Why The Bumble Bees Decline

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Taking a hard and long look at all the lasting affects that humans have had on the world and nature, it is a rather negative outcome. Years and years of damage are starting to show and drastically impact some of Earth’s greatest treasures. Due to our damage collectively as a human race, Bumble Bee’s are beginning to severely suffer. The Bumble Bee decline is growing day by day, and there is so much irreversible destruction that can happen from that loss. It is important as a human race to understand and learn to help before they are gone permanently. To understand fully how to help the Bees, you should know why the Bees are declining. In the past couple of years the Bee decline has been growing daily, with the most shocking amount of bee …show more content…

Albert Einstein once said, “If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live.” Without bees the world will have a devastating couple of years after losing the majority of crops and agriculture. Never could the world survive or function properly without the existence of bees. In an article by the BBC, they say, “Bees pollinate 70 of the around 100 crop species that feed 90% of the world. Honey bees are responsible for $30 billion a year in crops” (What would happen if bees went extinct). If bees were to become completely extinct, the world would be facing a major food epidemic. In Figure 2 below, it shows a Whole Foods market campaign that shows what the world of produce looks like without the bees contribution. Industries relying on bees are starting to be more aware of the growing issue, in an article from Business Insider it discusses, “Whole Foods recently imagined what our grocery store would like in a world without Bees by removing more than half of the market 's produce” (What Our World Would Look Like Without Honeybees, Dina Spector). It is said to imagine that the world of food could look so empty, the contribution that Bees have are irreplaceable. Here’s one for the groups of people that believe the world will be okay without our sweet little stripped friends, we won’t be. We can’t survive as a nation with only 1/3 of the crops that people have grown to love and need in their everyday nutrition. With the lack of all of …show more content…

For every box purchased, they promised to plant a wildflower to help keep pollination in tact. Their end goal was to plant over 200 million wildflowers for the pollinator habitat. However, within a week Cheerios already had raised enough money to plant over 1.5 billion seeds. In the campaign it showed viable evidence that helping the bees can be done and it can be easy. Cheerios didn 't expect such an outcome, but with the work of people across the world, there will be an extra 1.5 billion wildflowers. However, if Honey Nut Cheerios isn 't your preferred cereal there are several other ways to help. Another easy and effective way to get involved to help slow the bee decline is to get involved in your local bee community and buy a bee hive. In Colorado alone there are several bee organizations and clubs scattered across the state. Ranging from Beekeeping clubs to organizations that just get to together every once in a while to discuss ways to help. If joining clubs and organizations is far fetched for some people, an easy way to help the bees is to get a bee hive in your backyard. Buying and creating a safe sanctuary for the bees in your home is a great way to help. The bees will create honey and continue to pollinate flowers in the surrounding area. However, being a beekeeper is a commitment that some people aren 't ready to make in their life quite just yet. So

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