Why The Documentary Iran Is Not The Problem

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In answer to the 2012 Iran situation, Aaron Newman produces the documentary Iran (Is Not the Problem). With this documentary, Newman intends to reveal the truth about the Iranian situation and to convince the American people that going war with Iran is a horrendous idea. In Newman’s words, Iran (Is Not the Problem)’s intent is to “help change the debate on Iran”. In the film, the US is accused of being guilty of theft and mass murder. “654,965 Iraqi deaths due to war.” (The Lancet estimates, July 2006) and “4.2 million people displaced by the war in Iraq” (Refugees International, August 2007) are displayed on the screen as a female voice describes the impacts of the war on the citizens of Iraq. The use of quantitative data allows the audience …show more content…

“The only actors, at this point, that are likely to win the war in Iraq are US oil corporations and oil industry folks. That’s because the Bush administration has spent four years trying to change Iraq’s oil industry from a nationalized model that before the war was essentially closed to US oil corporations to a privatized model where essentially almost the entire Iraqi oil sector would be open to private foreign corporate ownership.” (Antonia Juhasz, author of The Bu$h Agenda) It is established that, because the Iraq war was based on economic gain, the war on Iran must be based on US convenience as well. This reasoning develops a suspicion of the US government that alienates the audience, American citizens, from their own …show more content…

The documentary reveals that “ ‘Wiped off the map was a mistranslation. The speech was a call for regime change in Israel, but not a threat of war.’ ” The documentary also shows how the clarification was made during an interview by the Washington Post. “Your suggestion is to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth?” To which Ahmadinejad responded, “Our suggestion is very clear: (...) Let the Palestinian people decide their fate in a free and fair referendum.” This serves as a counterargument against the idea that Iran has evil intentions against foreign countries. It creates a distrust for the media as well, leaving the audience questioning everything else they have heard about Iran from this unreliable

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