Why Was It Important To Use Spectral Evidence In 1692

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At the end of the seventeenth century, specifically in 1692 in the village of Salem, located in the state of Massachusetts Bay colony, there were hearings for the accused in witchcraft cases were where the provisions of the execution of the accused, and there is no enough evidence Except spectral testimony of the bewitched. The key point to know how did the use of spectral evidence make it hard to defend the charges and facilitate the widespread accusations of others? Which they are relate the key question on how to use spectral evidence makes it difficult to defend their duties and ease the charge on a wide range of other it is the history of the spectral evidence, how effect did spectral evidence on governance and its impact on the rest of the trials. Salem witchcraft outbreak in 1692 in one of the most tragic events in American history and was the first such of its kind for the American colonies, which directly influenced the political, social and …show more content…

Twenty people were executed in 1692, governor Phips displace the oyer and terminer court to new court superior court and he stop use spectral testimony to the rest of the cases governor Phips did not allow to use spectral evidence with last cases if there is not had have evidence to accused witches at Salem place in Massachusetts because, there are many of innocent lives lost without legal ground.
After five years of trials in 1697 the superior court in Massachusetts decided to send acquittal to people who are death, because several persons had been innocent and appointed 15 January, 1697 people in Massachusetts Bay colony people there should gathered in the church, which was attended by Samuel Sewall One of the judges in court and pray for mercy and forgiveness from God for what