
Why Was World War 1 Inevitable

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The catastrophe that was World War One was one that left scars on all the nations that contributed to that war. Leaving economies in shambles, cities destroyed and leaving countries to take another approach into preventing this from happening again. This motivated Adolf HItler, the future ruler of Germany and the one to rise it from the ruins. Germany was the country to get most of the blame, so inevitable it was the one who got the most punishment. The Treaty of Versailles was most likely Hitler's fuel to rebuild the country and make it his own. He blamed the treaty of Versailles for Germany's weakness and denounced the treaty as a whole. He was set on rebuilding his country, no matter what force was needed, no matter the cost.
Hitler was …show more content…

the allies did nothing to stop hitler from going against the treaty, so this motivated him to do more. He sent troops the rhineland, where it isn't supposed to be militarized. The allies didn't do anything when hitler did this also. No one knows why the allies didn't put any force or punishment top Germany, but looking back at how Germany was incredibly weak not sao long ago, it seemed that the allies were still in the mindset that Germany wasn't an issue. Hitler was getting comfortable with breaking the rules without any punishment, so he kept doing more after this. He wanted to increase and join the Aryan population, but to do so, he needed living space, or Lebensraum for them. He did this by slowly conquering territories. He slowly took over Austria without much of any resistance, but at this point of time, the allies were noticing and worrying about Germany's actions. The Allies were still trying to recover from the first world war and didn't want another war with a huge country, especially since they were not militarily ready, so the allies came up with a plan called “appeasement”. This plan let Germany grow its territory unchecked, with the promise that he wouldn't go too far. Later on, germany was planning to only take the German part of Czechoslovakia but took the whole thing for Germany, denouncing the deal with Britain. At this point, Germany and the allies knew that war was coming …show more content…

During this, Russia was in a war with Finland. This was called the Winter War. Britain proposed dropping troops off at norway and moving them across sweden to help out Finland, but they refused. Sweden was already mining for germany and Britain wanted to stop that, that's why they wanted to be at sweden and norway. Hitler took notice of this and immediately took action. He set an invasion f Denmark and Norway, completely making it theirs. Britain tried to stop them but couldn't had to retreat. Germany was growing stronger with every territory they take and he seemed impossible to stand against. The loss of the battle was humiliating for britain and soon pressure was on chamberlain to do something. He soon resigned as a result and was replaced by Winston Churchill as Prime Minister of Britain. Not soon after the invasion of Denmark and Norway, Hitler was on his way to take belgium. This was no surprise to France And Britain's, so they met the Germans halfway to defend Belgium. It seemed to be a repeat of the first world war but the Germans were able to surround and trap the allied forces. They squeezed them into a smaller area, taking out the French army. Some of the british made an escape at dunkirk but was already surrounded. Luckily they were able to escape from Germany's grasp with the help of civilians ships and the

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