Why We Should Be Penectomised

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Rape against women is one of the most pervasive yet hidden forms of human rights abuse throughout the world. It not only causes physical harm to the victim but destroys her emotional psyche tremendously. It’s a crime not only against the victim; it is a crime against entire society and basic human rights. It can be the most terrifying event in a woman’s life which leads to fear of existence. “Rape” is a Crime so heinous, brutish that capital punishment cannot address it to anyone's, especially the victim's satisfaction. One of the solutions to deter this crime is to chemically castrate criminals who have performed an inhuman act and committed a crime of rape or Rapists should be Penectomised. Severity of the punishment has to be increased. If sex offenders are castrated and Penectomised we …show more content…

Basically patriarchy is a system of society in which men hold the power and women are excluded from it. Central norms and values are associated with manhood and masculinity. In previous times structure of patriarchy was followed. Women were property of men, with their value as property, measured largely by their sexual “purity”. A raped women or girl was less valuable as property. Women are often soft targets for men. They are often considered as objects to be used rather than individuals to be respected. A man who's been brought up with such a mindset will never have any regard for the woman. The desire to commit the act in the first place stems from a patriarchal structure of society that looks at women's bodies as commodities. The marital rape exemption in law is a clear remainder of this approach, assuming as it does that no crime is committed when a man uses force upon his wife as she is his own property. It should be ensured that women’s and girl’s experiences of sexual violation are taken seriously as such, that the harm they suffer is recognized and those who inflict the harm are held

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