Why We Should Not Play Football Persuasive Essay

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Why Your Children Should Not Play Football Yet. “Diagnosed concussions rose by nearly 32 percent in the NFL in the 2016 season” (Seifert). The concussions in the NFL are very high. If this sport is this dangerous at the level for grown men then it must be dangerous for children to play. If men can get hurt playing the game of football then a child certainly can get hurt playing this game as well. Children should not be able to play football yet because their brains are still developing and permanent brain damage can be a side effect of this sport. Children should not be able to play football yet because children's brains are not fully developed yet. physician, forensic pathologist, and neuropathologist, Dr. Bennet Omalu, was the first to discover and publish findings of chronic traumatic encephalopathy stated “the human brain becomes fully developed at about 18 to 25 years old. ‘We should at least wait for our children to grow up, be provided with information and education on the risk of play, and let them make their own decisions,’ he wrote. ‘No adult, not a parent or a coach, should be allowed to make this potentially life-altering decision for a child"(Becker). Dr. Bennet Omalu stated that children's brain do not fully develop until they are about in the 18-25 years old …show more content…

Dr. Bennet Omalu stated that children's brain do not fully develop until they are about in the 18-25 years old range. This would end up making their brains more likely to be harmed and damaged and if a child receives many repeated blows to the head they can end up with permanent brain damage which can also lead to bad side effects later in life. Concussions and injuries to the head are a big problem in football. So why should we allow the most vulnerable to be put in harm's way and risk their futures? The answer is we should