Why We Shouldn T Abortion Be Legal Essay

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Abortion is one of the most controversial topics of all time. Countless deaths and numerous violent outbreaks have occurred over this act. The fight between Pro-life and Pro-choice has been long and painful. Though some people believe it is neither right nor wrong. Yet the question still remains, should it be legal? According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary of 1828, the word abortion means,”the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.” An abortion is deliberately ending the pregnancy by ending the child’s life before it is born. An innocent child should not be responsible for your mistakes and an abortion is the euphemism of “to kill the baby.” How could you live with the sin of abortion on your heart?” That is a real act of homicide. This practice became more well known in 1970 when a woman (under the pseudonym) named Jane Roe became pregnant and didn’t want to give birth to her child. …show more content…

Jane’s home state of Texas refused to allow her to have an abortion so she filed a suit against the anti-abortion legislation of Texas and went to court. Nowadays we know this case as the Roe v. Wade.
Ellis 2In 1973 the United States Supreme Court declared by a vote of 7-2 that the Texas abortion laws were deemed unconstitutional. This was a major milestone in US history. Since the decision to make abortion legal, the number of recorded abortions has been appalling. In 1975, just 2 years after it was made legal, the numbers exceeded 1 million and by 1980 they had reached more than 1.5 million. Presently 4,250 babies are terminated daily which calculates to 177 every hour, 3 every

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