Why We Shouldn T Chocolate Milk Be Banned From Schools

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Schools are getting rid of chocolate milk, and thats a problem Yes, the delicious, ravory brown drink that lads love Why are they getting rid of it? They are getting rid of it, because they believe kids are getting to obese and it's to unhealthy. But really, chocolate milic shouldn't be banned from schools

First off, people can argue that laids are getting obese because of chocolate. That really isn't chocolate milks fault though, is it? If a parent feels like their child is gaining weight by drinking too much chocolate milk, then that is the parents responsibility to step in and tell their own child to stop drinking so much chocolate milk They could limit their lads to only drinking chocolate milk a couple times a week. Schools shouldn't get rid of chocolate milk altogether, because it's not chocolate milks fault. So if you or your parents fed like your gaining …show more content…

So if schools only served plain milk, a lot of it would be thrown out into the school garbage can by kids. Since kids would be throwing away a bunch of plain milk, that would just be wasting money. Think of it as a food chain. If something went wrong with the top of the food chain, then the rest would be messed up. Just like getting rid of chocolate milk Schools getting rid of chocolate milk, leads to only plain milk being served. Then, that leads to kids throwing away a lot of plain milk and wasting it. Finally, that leads to schools wasting a bunch of money that they spend an plain milk since most of the students would not be drinking it and throwing it away. See what I mean? That is why schools should not get rid of chocolate milk, because at least when they buy chocolate milk it isn't wasting money because kids drink