Wilderness Aldo Leopold Analysis

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“Wilderness” in part four of A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold discusses the evolution of nature at the hands of humans. I choose to write about this essay because of the connection humans have with the wilderness. I have always believed that nature and people have to work together to live harmoniously on this earth. The human race has used nature to survive for as long as they have existed. In today’s world people are using less and less of nature and more technology to industrialize the planet. This essay stood out to me because of the human aspect. Nature is not a separate part of our lives. Humans live and interact with nature every day. Aldo Leopold states in the essay “Wilderness”, “Neither can be prevented [changes to the world], and …show more content…

One main idea of landscape architecture is to persuade people to interact with nature and to enjoy and help it, not to destroy or harm it. Nature is as much as part of this world as humans are; without nature or the wilderness there would be no society. Leopold states, “Wilderness is the raw material out of which man has hammered the artifact called civilization” (264). Human grew out of nature. In the essay “Wilderness” Aldo Leopold talks about nature as if it is a masterpiece painted by the earth or as if it is an ancient artifact in a famous museum. In the essay Leopold talks about preserving and loving nature (265). I also feel it is necessary to preserve and enjoy the wild. People go to museums to enjoy the past. It would be unacceptable to destroy a sculpture in the Louvre or to ruin a priceless relic in the Smithsonian, so humans should not destroy our greatest piece of history earth has to offer, nature. Aldo Leopold states, “This is a plea for the preservation of some tag-ends of wilderness, as museum pieces, for the edification of those who may one day wish to see, feel, or study the origins of their cultural inheritance” (265). It has been a dream of mine to travel the world and see it the way Aldo Leopold