Wilfred Owen War Poetry Analysis

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Often, poetry is used to portray the highlights of this life or maybe even some of the small bumps we encounter along the way, yet, none really compares to that of war poetry. World War I, much like any other war, was nothing shy of a horror story. Innumerable deaths, traumatizing situations, and the lives of returning soldiers changed forever were, and still are, products of war. From our side, we have our own idea of what war might be like, but Wilfred Owen and Isaac Rosenburg choose to give us a small glimpse of what “serving our country” is about. Both men chose to write about the harsh realities of war and while these poets have several differences, they share very common ground: educating many about reality of war. Having both been affected …show more content…

Owen and Rosenburg are two amongst many of the most well-known World War I poets. These men both offer a very unique and vivid outlook on war.
Wilfred Edward Salter Owen was born in Oswestry, England on March 18, 1893 into a comfortable, middle class family. As he aged, his interest in poetry grew. After many setbacks, and not being accepted into many reading colleges, Owen found himself in France teaching English part time. He had barely discovered his love for this new place when on August 4, 1914, Germany invaded Belgium and war was declared. Owen returned home to England unsure of whether he should enlist. On October 21, 1915, he enlisted in the Artists’ Rifles. During January of 1917, he led his platoon into the battle of the Somme. Shortly after, he wrote to his mother, “Those fifty hours were the agony of my happy life” (Bloom, 12). In November 1918 Owen was killed in action at twenty-five. The events during this short season of his life greatly influenced his writing. In his poem, “Dulce et Decorum Est”, which was written while he was recovering from Shellshock, Owen writes from the point of view of a soldier currently in war. He used a language and tone that appropriately revealed the nightmarish scenes he witnessed as a soldier in the trenches. He wrote, “If