Wilkinson Middle School Graduation Speech

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Good evening friends, family, faculty, and most importantly class of 2020. We stand here this evening to mark the accomplishments of my peers and myself here at Wilkinson Middle School. However, our accomplishments are far more remarkable when one reveals the growth we have experienced throughout the years. We were not born with the progress we have made, but instead we were given the resources to strive for incredible growth.We have all, hopefully, utilized those resources to our benefit. Throughout the time we have spent together here we have watched each other grow and simply change. We have stood next to some and walked away from other. We grown from our own flaws and learned lessons from each other that are priceless. We all have experienced …show more content…

Countless hours of our lives were spent here, but whether we acknowledge it or not, we needed it. We needed this place full of smiles, fake friendships, and simply the support from one another. We have seen each other cry over a bad grade, skip school because we forgot about an assignment that was due, skip classes because we consider the teacher to be irritating, and most commonly get in trouble for things that we consider petty. We needed the cushion that pushed us back up when the force within us had failed. This is a place where our first impression has never seemed to fade. Yet, today is our first impression of the path outside our door. I hope that we make the best impression possible by thinking positive when outcomes are only bad, and understanding that you must hold happiness within yourself to grow. Wilkinson has gave us everything we needed for a successful middle school career, but whether we wish to stay here or not, we must move forward to a places catered to our individual desires. We may not all go to Madison, but we will all carry the same memories that were created here within this building. This may mark the end of life lessons that have shaped us, but it is also the perfect time for creation of new memories. Thank you all for coming and showing your support tonight, and class of 2020 you finally made it through middle

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