
Will Marion In The Novel 'The Donor' By Helen Fitzgerald

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Helen Fitzgerald is a bestselling novelist and screenwriter, born in Shepparton, Australia. She is one among those writers who have successfully taken thriller as their genre; she is among them who generally take thriller as the plot of their fiction. Her debut novel, “Dead Lovely”, was originally published by “Allen & Unwin” publishing house in September 2007. Fitzgerald studied English and History at the University of Melbourne, before that, she attended Glasgow University where she completed her diploma and masters in social work. She began writing while working as a criminal justice social worker, where for a period she worked with serious sex offenders in Glasgow’s Barlinnie Prison. But later she quit this job for a quite while to focus …show more content…

Fitzgerald portrayed character of “Cynthia” as a violent wife and a rockstar too completely drenched and high in heroin and cocaine. It made her worse physically and mentally. Fitzgerald has shown a social side through this book alerting the readers not to get involved with drugs, obviously when we read something it leaves up an impact which Fitzgerald has used as a plus point to her work “The Donor”. Character of “Will Marion” is very enhancing in the book, describing the mind state of a father when he is so much in debt and is constantly hoping for his wife to return home, he still has that ray of hope which he soon realizes to be a false hope. Reality shows you the real nature of people around you, highlighting this fact Fitzgerald very effectively have explained the narrow minded reality of society when it comes to also a man. There is so much negativity added by Fitzgerald at the very beginning of the text when it is someone saying “it was very good news. Someone had just died”. Doing justice to this dialogue, it simply says how some one’s death could be good news; most probably this was said by Georgie, the eldest among the twins. She hated her father because of her mother, Cynthia. According to her, her father was a piece of shit because of whom her mother left both of her (she and her sister Kay). Will Marion (father of the twins) had dealt with George’s mood swings for years. She was an extremely annoyed and always at unbridled rage for her father, that is the saddest part of the story. “When your wife bailed out keeping your daughter behind you feel your world to have stopped somewhere at that point, but when your daughter hates you, your world seems to end at that moment”. This is what

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