William Lane Craig's The Absurdity Of Life Without God

900 Words4 Pages
Helen Izbor
Professor Mark McEvoy
PHI 014S
21 February 2018
Life Is a Big Surprise, Perhaps Death Will Turn Out To Be Even a Bigger One The trail of paradoxes, the only subvocal trail worth a human’s dauntless disturbed nous, is incessantly walking on a knife edge. Quietly contemplating inside ourselves, we persistently ask the fundamental question of the purpose of man’s existence on Earth. For if we are temporary guests living in an unending fear behind lingering and inexorable predefinition of faith; or a precious matter which will be later transformed in an astronomical matrix through the process of leaving the flesh in the tangible macrocosm we inhabit. In his essay The Absurdity of Life without God, philosopher William Lane Craig argues that people cannot retain a “happy and consistent life” (Craig, p.12) if they support an atheistic world outlook. The author builds his argumentation by exposing the melancholic hollowness and foreordination of inane pagans’ existence. He pleads that life without God looses its essence in all of its presentments, including ultimate meaning, purpose and value, as all of them seek the presence of God and immortality. Let us speculate on the topic of these indispensable exalted units on the search for an internal peace. The first notion Craig mentions is an ultimate meaning, the idea of a need for significance in a man’s life. Comparing the origins of life of an individual and an entity of the entire universe, the polemicist argues