William Morgan Research Paper

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Have you ever wondered who created volleyball? Well the inventor of volleyball was William G. Morgan. William Morgan was a leader for players and sports enthusiasts alike as he watched it grow. His legacy of volleyball has been very successful being one of the most popular sports in the world being played in Brazil, Russia, Serbia, America, and Cuba. In Brazil, volleyball is the most popular and played sport in the world records. He invented the game and it was a huge achievement as he watched it grow from a game for physical programs to be favored by many. William G. Morgan was born in 1870 at Lockport, New York, and he spent his childhood years going to a public school and working at his father’s boat yard. In 1891 William Morgan went to …show more content…

Morgan’s leadership started when he had the opportunity to form, develop and direct a program of exercises and sport classes for young adults to the more elderly. His leadership was accepted and his classes became larger. Then he realized he needed a type of game in order to give variety to his program. Basketball suited young people but it was too fast paced for many participants. Then it hit him. William Morgan now knew he had to make a new game that was challenging but not physical so he made a new game from his own sports training methods and his training methods in the YMCA gymnasium. While trying to find the right game he said, “In search of an appropriate game, tennis occurred to me, but this required rackets, balls, a net and other equipment, so it was eliminated – but the idea of a net seemed a good one. We raised it to a height of about 6 feet 6 inches from the ground, just above the head of an average man. We needed a ball; and among those we tried was a basketball bladder but this was to light and too slow. We therefore tried the basketball itself which was too big and too heavy.” (William G. Morgan- Father of Volleyball) In the end, William Morgan asked that the firm of A. G. Spalding & Bros. of Chicopee, Massachusetts make a ball that was suitable for this new game, and the result was …show more content…

Morgan had many jobs that included physical fitness, that lead him to invent the game when he was working as a Physical Education Director at YMCA. His responsibility, as physical director was to create activities participants. As the director he needed to create programs that worked for the more elderly participants. His program was lacking a game and thus volleyball was born. William G. Morgan had a very large social life including James Naismith, a friend in high school and all the people who he coached during his time of creating the game and even before that as he was highly recommended as a physical instructor. James Naismith, the inventor of basketball, encouraged young William Morgan to attend the YMCA Training School beginning with graduating from high school. William G. Morgan had a smaller family. William G. Morgan was the eldest of his siblings, Margaret E Morgan Williams (1873 - 1958) was one. His parents were George Henry Morgan (1841-1915) and Nancy Chatfield (1848-1932). William Morgan also married, Mary King Caldwell Morgan (1869 - 1947) and had a son and one daughter. William Morgan’s son, in memory of his father’s contribution to the world sport got an

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