How Is Henry V A Flawed King

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Who is someone you admire? In our present society, many types of people, from presidents to musicians, are adored, but this was not always the case. During the 1500’s, kings, along with the clergy, constituted the select few who would be considered the counterparts of modern celebrities, since they were perceived and reverenced as God’s delegates on earth. Henry V, an English monarch, was no exception. Nevertheless, in one of William Shakespeare’s acclaimed plays about this monarch’s life, Henry V, Shakespeare depicted Henry as far from an ideal king, even though he may have displayed certain admirable qualities at times. Shakespeare showed Henry V to be a flawed king, as demonstrated by his motives, aggression, and lies. First, Shakespeare displayed Henry V’s flawed character through his mixed, conflicting motives of self-abandon for God’s sake and self-glorification for his own. Throughout the play, we find hints that a desire to do God’s will motivated Henry V. Before declaring war against France, he sought the approval of God by way of the established English ecclesiastical authority, and even when he believed he was justified in his claim to rule France, he understood his duty to his Lord, saying, “For we have now no thought in us but France, / Save those to God, that run before our business” (1.2.315-316). Moreover, during the battle of Agincourt, he trusted God for his victory, and when the French herald Montjoy reported the victory of the English to the