Wilma once said,“ I love the feeling of freedom and running, the fresh air, the feeling that the only person I’m competing with is me.”(Biography.comEditors) wilma Wilma Rudolph impacted the 1960s with her extreme talent in track. Wilma was the first woman to win three gold medals in track at the 1960’s Rome Olympics. Wilma amazed people with her loud uprising, her many struggles and her tragic death. One day in Tennessee, June 23, 1940, a soon to be Olympic star was born. Wilma was 16th of 18 children. As a child Wilma struggled with many things such as, illnesses and money issues. For example, she was diagnosed with pneumonia, scarlet fever, and contracted infantile paralyzes at a very young age. (en.m.wikipedia.org) At the age of five she was fitted with a metal brace. She often took the brace off when her parents weren’t looking and tried to walk, with a limp. (Biography.comEditors) Her poor health had forced her to miss kindergarten, and the first grade. Wilma wore the leg brace until she was eight years old, and often went to therapy to regain ability in her leg. Also, because of Paleo, her Dr. said she would never be able to walk again. (Mini bio Wilma …show more content…
In the 1960s Rome Olympics, Wilma became the first woman to win three gold medals in track. Soon after she retired she jumped into creating a foundation to promote ammature Athletics. (Biography.comEditors) In the 1980s, wilma’s childhood story and legacy were turned into a TV film. Another key point is, she received her degree in teaching, when she was 22 years old. (Mini bio Wilma Rudolph) Shortly after receiving her degree Wilma became a second grade teacher at Cobb Elementary, where she attended when she was younger. Wilma was diagnosed with throat and brain cancer in July 1994. Her condition worsened and four months later Wilma passed away. Wilma Rudolph‘s life story will always be remembered for generations to