Winston Churchill Accomplishments

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Winston Churchill was arguably one of the most influential leaders that our world has ever seen. His rise to political fame was definitely not an easy one, but in the end, he changed both Great Britain and our world with his extremely intelligent and strategic methods of leadership. He began his career at an impressive age of twenty-one, when he decided to enroll in the Royal Military College at Sandhurst and was assigned to the British cavalry, and by the time he was twenty-five, he had actively participated in the British armed forces’ war efforts in Cuba, North and South Africa, and in Sudan (“Winston Churchill” 2). Interestingly enough, he served simultaneously as a soldier and as a war correspondent, meaning he was basically a journalist, …show more content…

His incredibly inspiring and patriotic speeches encouraged the entire nation to be actively involved in the war effort. On the cusp of World War II, when talking about his leadership he said, “I felt as if I was walking with destiny, and that all my past life had been but a preparation for this hour” (“Winston Churchill Biography” 4). Because of that, Churchill made sure he was personally involved in every part of the war; he oversaw nearly every aspect of Great Britain’s armed forces and frequently met with the other world leaders to discuss war strategy, policy, and compromises. It was actually during one of those meetings when he befriended American President Franklin Roosevelt, who ended up aiding the Allies in the war against Hitler. There were many, many ups and downs for the Allies during World War II, but Churchill succeeded keeping the confidence of the British and the Allied nations high. His encouragement was extremely necessary because not only were the Allies in a war against Nazi Germany, but they also were in a war in the Pacific against Japan. After numerous intense battles, and after a record-breaking and unimaginable amount of casualties on both fronts, the Allies came out victorious, with Great Britain and the United States initiating the final blows to the Nazi’s power in May of 1945. By September of 1945, World War II had officially ended with Germany’s surrender and Japan’s

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