Winston's World Part 1 Analysis

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P1: Winston’s World For my Part One design, I drew a silhouette of Winston, overlaid with clouds of ideas and propaganda found in Winston 's life. I chose the title “Winston 's World” because the main topic explored in Part One is the world that Winston lives in. The font for the title is simple and lacks creativity, which is symbolic of the environment in 1984. The title and clouds are in red which resembles blood and poison, and represents the poisonous world, where everyone is "infected" with Big Brother and The Party. The red-on-white is unique to the title so that it is identifiable from the other text. The clouds create an effect similar to choking in smog or second-hand smoke, it is impossible to avoid and surrounds and debilitates …show more content…

The right brain signifies the first stage of reintegration: learning. The right brain is the creative part of the brain. Removing this is learning in the way that amputation is healing, you remove a part of yourself, but are better off, at least by party standards. This happens in Chapter 2. The shoulder signifies understanding because understanding the reach of The Party 's control destroys your confidence, you lose any independence. This happens in Chapter 3. The heart signifies love for Julia. This happens in Chapter 4, and in Room 101 in Chapter 5, where he betrays Julia. The tools removing parts are chisels because O 'Brien carefully and delicately removes these pieces, like you would with a chisel. The white Winston is before the Part Three. The white signifies purity from The Party 's influence. The black Winston is after (i.e. Chapter 6). The black is the pollution of The Party 's ideas. The order of the Winstons on the page is significant because the after Winston appears to the left of the before Winston (i.e. out of order). This is because Winston already knew what would happen to him once he wrote in his diary, the black Winston existed far before the white one did. The title I chose was "Reintegration" because this is the outcome of Part Three. The Winstons are drawn with straight lines and sharp corners. The parts that are being