Winter Sports Research Paper

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Winter sports are a huge attraction in the colder parts of America and in the the world. During the winter months winter sports such as snowboarding, skiing, and snowmobiling bring a huge profit to the cities and towns that have winter sport facilities. A lot of hard and time consuming work goes into creating and maintaining a well kept, functioning winter sport facility. The biggest part of having a ski slope is snow grooming and snowblowing. Snowblowing is one of the main priorities in a ski slope especially on the eastern seaboard, because on the eastern seaboard they rely on snow blowers, and snow machines to make snow for the facilities. On the other side of the spectrum the west coast ski resorts for the most part rely on natural …show more content…

When it comes to the huge ski resorts out in the western USA the building crew has to log majority of the mountain to create a bigger mass of area to ski when the logging is done and the snow melts away in the spring and summer and the snow turns to rain, the lack of vegetation on the mountian causes landslides, erosion, and lost habits for certain animals that might have lived in the forest on the side of the mountain. One of the better reasons that environmentalist are so against ski resorts is because alpine ecosystems only cover 5.2% - 7.9% of the Earth 's terrestrial landmass therefore there isn 't much of an alpine ecosystem so environmentalist protest the fact of ski resorts because the logging and mining that is done to keep the ski resort a float is damaging the very small amount of alpine space that we have on this earth, by cutting the trees down an mining rock and disturbing the ecosystems on these mountains. Logging is one of the biggest affects ski resorts have on the environment but mining occurs also because some ski resort have to mine huge parts of rock out of the mountain to make a clear path for the skiers and snowboarders. Mining can also cause erosion and the other problems listed above. Alpine and subalpine areas are using the globally applicable definitions provided by Löve. She defines an alpine area as …show more content…

Well the reason they have winter sports teams is they have created indoor winter parks that are open year around. Within a indoor ski park they are not huge ski slopes but they are big enough to get practice in to get ready for the winter sport events. Within the indoor ski slope it is like a huge freezer that has hundreds of snow making machines hanging from the ceiling of the huge buildings that produce snow for the people to participate in winter sports. Even some warm US states have indoor ski slopes so their cities can participate in a sport even when they live in a climate that never sees