Without A Good Room Environment: Monte Vista Middle School

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Without a good room environment, students would have a hard time focusing and learning. In Mrs. Arbogast's 7th grade GATE Math class at Monte Vista Middle School she has found a way to create a good room environment. The classroom is filled with desks and lots of windows for natural sunlight. To enhance learning for the students, the desks are set-up into groups. To help teaching, Mrs. Arbogast uses a laptop and a projector. The teachers’ presences contribute to the room environment because Mrs. Arbogast has gained respect from her students, which allows a stress-free and calm environment. Room environment is one of the most important aspects to success of learning. It sets the standard for the whole school year. Without a calm, comfortable room environment the students would struggle to focus. The first steps into the classroom are greeted with sunshine through the windows. The …show more content…

The position of the desks plays a huge role in how the environment comes off. They also play a big part in how the students learn and how the teacher can teach. A good room environment strengths the teachers’ presence and helps set the tone of the room. From the art of teaching, I learned how important it is to have respect from the students, to keep them engaged, and that I don’t have to be serious all the time; I am allowed to joke with the students. I will take a few things that Mrs. Arbogast used in her classroom, and apply them to my future class. I will magnetize my white board markers to the board, so that I do not have to search for them. I will want chairs that are not connected to the desk, so that students can have more range of motion. Once I have learned the names of my students, I want to take roll by empty desks and not by calling names. Since I have started my observations, I cannot wait to have my own class so I can implement what I have learned about room environment from Mrs.

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