Wolf Stereotypes In Aesop's Fables

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Many fables use animals to put forward a message that is often meant to teach us a lesson. There are stereotypes put forward used to describe what has shaped our moral compass. In various fables wolves are painted as the villain, even though they are simply doing what they were put on earth to do. They are natural predators, they feed off prey. We cannot blame them for their honest being. We also should not blame the prey for fooling the wolf because of the need for survival. At the end of the day both the predator and prey want to survive. And in that process, some must lose for the other to win. But in these fables the message to never go against nature is truly clear. Aesop’s fables use certain creatures to put forward an agenda reflecting …show more content…

Wolves have been known for being slick, manipulative, and crafty creatures. In various fables, especially in Aesop’s fables, they are portrayed that way. For instance, ‘Wolf in Sheeps Clothing’ where the wolf is cruel and hides who they are to appear someone they are not. Fabulists love to use wolves as the bad guy and villain. However, at times just like humans they let their guard down too. Despite them being very conscious and smart animals. The selected fables made it clear that even the most cunning people fall and are not perfect. The wolf expressed, “'It serves me right for trying to be a musician instead of a butcher!' and 'Alas, it serves me right! Why did I take up the doctor's trade, healing the lame at a moment like this, when the only profession I ever learned was how to be a butcher!.’ in the fables utilized. Both incorporate the phrase ‘It serves me right’ which is often said when one realizes they deserved their punishment. The wolf knows better than to give into what is forbidden. And the reader experiences pathos as they feel pity and shame for the wolf. One can connect with the protagonist as one also can experience the same mistakes. It all comes down to the realization that then led to instant