Woman At Point Zero Reflective Statement

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Reflective Statement on Woman At Point Zero
Through discussing the different aspects of Nawaal El Saadawi’s novel Woman at Point Zero, I was able to enhance my understanding regarding why El Saadawi chose to depict certain characters and relationships in a particular manner. In our groups, we discussed Nawaal El Saadawi’s background and upbringing in Egypt, her response to the criticism and response to Woman at Point Zero from western audiences, and the role of feminism. One argument that I found particularly interesting in our discussion of El Saadawi’s response to western criticism was El Saadawi contrasting western society with her own beliefs. Many critics believed that El Saadawi was depicting a unique experience that was not reflective of the majority in women in Egypt. However, El Saadawi responds to this criticism by refuting these claims and discussing western society’s tendency to distance itself from widespread issues that affect women globally such as abuse, amongst other forms of oppression. I found this argument particularly interesting because it not only responded to the criticism, as well as discussing El Saadawi’s feminist beliefs, but also touches on polarizing issues that are still present in the modern day. In spite of the fact that El Saadawi and her critics were both …show more content…

After several years of repression under male figures such as her father, uncle, and husband, Firdaus seeks independence and becomes a prostitute. However, both before and after she becomes independent, Firdaus’ worth is determined by money, which is a commodity primarily held by men in Egyptian society. Through her exploration of the symbol of money, Nawal El Saadawi critiques the superficial aspects of Egyptian