Micro loans are small amounts of money lended to a new small business. Before micro businesses women didn’t work in large areas, instead they work by taking care of their families, grow food for their families, and don’t earn very much money. Women in developing countries are empowered by micro loans because women are less dependent on men. Women can now make their own choices, make their own money, and continue to raise their families. Women are also trying to get out of poverty by starting micro loans. By create loans, it means they are creating their own business, in other words, they are finding other ways to obtain money. Women are empowered by micro loans because they can be helped by starting their own business. Women are said to be powered by their husbands. Women all around the …show more content…
Loans are important in businesses, but loans are like debts. DEbts are when you owe money instead of receiving the borrowed money. Creating loans is borrowing money from an organization or in some cases, the state. Borrowing money can create issues such as owing big amounts of money and making them poor and back into poverty. “...women borrowers are viewed as autonomous individuals who make independent choices in the marketplace.” (source 2- The Hidden Ways Microfinance Hurts Women) The evidence presented shows how women aren’t viewed the same as men. Some women are allowed to do things the way they chose, and in some cases, “90% of cases men control the loans that women receive.”(source 2- The Hidden Ways Microfinance Hurts Women) The evidence here shows an example of how men are said to do the womens work that she can’t do. Creating loans are good for businesses to start, but as women continue, they create big loans that can be tough fixing and