Women Asylum Seekers Research Paper

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Overall Aim/Issue to be addressed:
The aim of this research is to find out specific issues with women asylum seekers living in the UK.
One of the main issues with women asylum seekers is the injustices they experience when they come in to the UK. Some women asylum seekers do not have access to any support and as result fall victim of being sexually exploited by some men who may have offered help. Their hosts.
Key group or group/s of participants
The key groups and participants of this study are Women asylum seekers, refugee women support groups, Three case workers at Refugee action, (choices, destitution and logistics team), the head of campaigns and possibly some lawyers who work in partnership with ‘Refugee Action’ to represent women asylum …show more content…

Harvey, C. (2000) Seeking Asylum in the UK: Problems and Prospects. Colchester: Doyle and Co.
Research problems / barriers that you are likely to confront
A possible research problem may be that because the group (women asylum seekers) may not have yet gained their refugee status, and I am not their personal caseworker, they may not trust me enough to disclose certain information. Maybe because they may be in fear that it may jeopardise decisions in respect of their asylum claim or being deported back to their home country.
Some women find the asylum process stressful so a possible challenge may be that they may not want to talk about their experiences. In addition they may not trust me enough to talk to me because of fear that I may be an informant or they could pretend and give an information that is not true. If an issue of such arises, ethical boundaries will be respected by stopping the interview and seeking other alternatives such as relying on case workers for information. (SRA,