Women Empowerment In Monika Ali's Brick Lane

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K.Karthiga Asst. Prof. English Shri Sakthikailassh women’s College, Salem.

Discourse on Women Empowerment in Monika Ali’s Brick Lane Women in every country and all time want to be free. They wantcourage and knowledge to change the convention. Monica Ali provides this kind of message through the voice of different women in her novel. Women have to do all the onuses without any remuneration or appreciation. Without them, the family would not function normally. So ingrained in the male-controlled system in Nazneen that during the time of Raqib’s hospitalization, when she understands that Chanu is a good …show more content…

Women labors of the garment workshop are not only grossly low paid. Also have to agonize terrible working conditions and situation; they are often victims of physical abuse-beating rape, molestation and not only by male bosses and administrators but by members of the police force. All this imitated in Hasina’s letters. In addition to this, when Nazneen starts taking on stitching jobs, although it is the woman who is working, the man controls the money coming in. Still later, Chanu wants Nazneen to question for more money for her sewing jobs. Chapter Nine draws an important parallel between the lives of Nazneen and Hasina. While Hasina’s life as a prostitute was managed by Hussain, Nazneen’s work as a seamstress is organized by Chanu. Hasina, Monju and all the other distressed women of the third World are not able to voice or express their problematicstate to the world around them. In her essay Can the Subaltern Speak?Spivakdiscourses these difficultaccurately. Through this novel, Ali tries to give voice to this subaltern woman and to draw attention to her life and difficult situations. According to Spivak, the subaltern cannot tell means even when the subaltern makes an effort to speak, she cannot not be