Women In The Great Gatsby

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The way women are portrayed in art has always been a point for analysis and criticism. Artists can reflect their opinion of women through their art. An example of this is in Cheerleader by Omi. The song was criticised for its lyrics because they “Sexist & That’s Really Disappointing” according to Bustle Magazine, a women’s magazine with over 10 million subscribers. This means that Omi could be sexist, because his song includes sexist remarks. In addition to music, art in the form of literature, video, pictures, and paintings have been analyzed for how they portray women. As the rights and freedoms of women expand, it is important to analyze the author's view of women in art. The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a great piece …show more content…

By the time The Great Gatsby was published in 1925, women were beginning to receive respect and rights. They had a role in the economy during WWI in the 1910’s, as men went to fight, women began to work in America. In 1920 the women's suffrage movement was a success, passing the 19th amendment, allowing women to vote in elections. There were many significant moments for women in America in the 15 years before The Great Gatsby was published. With these advancements in mind, an author’s views on gender can be identified in their writing. The way F. Scott Fitzgerald in The Great Gatsby portrayed women showed his neutral stance on women because of the historical accurateness of women’s role in marriage, the frequency of divorce, and men’s dominance over women in the …show more content…

Due to the differences in the amount of respect and equality women received, this isn’t true. According to a website called Women of the 1920’s, in 1923, “if men and women were getting paid to do the same job men were paid 110 pesos women were paid 50-90 pesos.” This shows that there was a large gender wage gap even though women have been advocating for better wages. Until 1964, employers could discriminate based on gender, giving women fewer opportunities to work. There was discrimination against women in the 1920’s and there still is today, making it impossible for the rights of men and women to be equal. Fitzgerald may not have been a forward thinker because he keeps women dependent in the book, but he maintains legitimacy in reflecting women in his era while writing The Great