
Women In The Great Gatsby

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The pursuit of material prosperity in order to achieve The American Dream is known not just in America but also around the world. This makes the people from other country come in America with their hopes up and experience the so called dream. A novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is an example of a story that shows some of the American Dream. The Great Gatsby defects on how to manifest the culture and society of the people in America before to the people today. The first point where The Great Gatsby defects information was the book itself. “... I thought of Gatsby’s wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock.” In other words, there are still some questions that hasn’t answered in the story and this …show more content…

“She was a slender, small-breasted girl, with an erect carriage… Her gray sun-strained eyes looked back at me with polite reciprocal curiosity out of a wan, charming, discontented face.” (Fitzgerald 16) In other words, the way Myrtle was given a description is all about her outside looks. By being seductive and alluring, and she was just an example of those girls who gives pleasure to the men. This shows that Fitzgerald didn’t give an appreciation towards Myrtle. Since the beginning of the story until the end, the way Myrtle was given a description is very anti feminist and this gives women a foggy perspectives before. This is important because what’s this is saying is that Myrtle’s image and way of commuting with others is pretty easy because she’s pretty. “Another American ‘love story’ centered on hostility to women and the concomitant strategy of the scapegoat... Not dead Gatsby but surviving Daisy is the object of the novel’s hostility and its scapegoat.” (Fetterley 72) In other words, this article “Emancipated Women of The Great Gatsby” by Ivan Štrba is saying how Women in the story are entitled of just being called as an “object”. This shows that because having a Daisy characteristics in the story is good for a lot of things they can do with the character and they can just blame the Women for being pretty and causing the Men’s failures. This is important …show more content…

“... Tom and Gatsby, Daisy and Jordan and I, were all Westerners, and perhaps we possessed some deficiency in common which made us subtly unadaptable to Eastern life.” In other words, they are all from the Western side that even though how much they try to step up to their social class they all somehow not stepping up. This shows that they all have something in common which makes them somehow all the same. This is important because by dressing up in some fancy outfits they get to hide their inner self and socialize with other class. “The 19th century’s excessive industrialization lured innumerable numbers of immigrants to come to America with their lofty hopes.” In other words, high hopes in America are what made the immigrants got chewed up when they came here. This shows that people thought that if they came to America and work hard they will become wealthy in the end. This is important because up to this day people still come to America and believes that they will achieve the dream that was imprint to their minds since they were still a kid. To summarize, people might have somehow thought that Gatsby’s death marked the end of the era when in real life the standards are still building its way

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