Women Movement Research Paper

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Adilene Bernardino-Estrada
EWS 202
Dr. Quiñones
Research Paper Women’s Movement
The Women’s Movement is the panel I chose to write about in my poem. I chose this panel because I felt connected with the images it portrayed. The images included a female holding in one hand holding a pan with eggs. On the other hand a book held close to her face as if she was hugging it. This female has tears in her eyes. The image takes place in a kitchen. Above the female head there is a thought bubble with the question “You mean I could be more than just a housewife?” The Women’s Movement refers to a series of political campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, women's suffrage, sexual …show more content…

My poem challenges the role of a woman. My poem discusses the roles women play in society. It states the struggle women face with their gender. It questions the duties women are pressured to play the typical housewife. My poem also mentions the hunger women crave for equal pay. For every dollar a woman earns a man make 77 cents more. In the land of the equal, why aren’t women as equal as men? It’s because women are looked down upon. Women are not “people” they are objects to …show more content…

Ambition is mentioned in my poem as a negative word according to society due to the fact having too much can hurt me. Being successful in today's society is challenging because men do not want to see you succeed. A successful woman breaks a man’s ego, masculinity, and finds a woman intimidating. Men then become envy, jealousy, and hatred towards that female. Men will try everything in their power to see you fail and not succeed. If females make their voice heard they are viewed as a bitch. If a male speaks up, he is viewed as a badass. Dreams are thrown to the side. Just because we are taught jobs have a set gender. That if a woman actually enjoys something only boys are supposed to like, then they are “fake” and “doing it for attention.” For women who actually achieve what they want in life, they are accused of “being selfish” Wow, I wonder who she slept with? Does she even love her family? She must be a secretary for the boss.While she could be the co- owner of the company, she is still looked down on, like she hasn’t earned it. Women are expected to make life choices such as choosing the right partner, get married or not, have children or not. Always keeping in mind that Marriage is the most important decision. Marriage can be a source of joy and love and mutual support, but why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage? And we don't teach boys the