Women's Roles In Greek Mythology

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Mythology can help give us a basic understanding of our cultural history and how the relationships between men and woman existed before now. In the story of Persephone and Demeter, Persephone, was the daughter of Demeter and Zeus. Demeter, goddess of harvest, loved her daughter dearly and kept a close eye on her. One-day Persephone wandered off and Hades, the god of the underworld, kidnapped Persephone. Agriculture stopped as Demeter searched for her daughter. After some time, Zeus intervened. He asked Hades to let Persephone go. Because Persephone ate pomegranate seeds in the Underworld she would be allowed to live a portion of the year with her mother and the remaining of the year with Hades. In this story men are in power and a woman’s role is according to what the men wish. …show more content…

Looking at the story of Wanjiru, a chosen woman was made a sacrifice to appease the gods. After a few years of no rain fall and hunger was increasing, some men took a trip to visit their medicine man. The medicine man poured the contents of his gourd and stared deeply at what was within. He told the eager men that he “did not know why they have been punished by the gods but a sacrifice of a maiden named Wanjiru must be made in order to make the rain fall.” One day after tomorrow, the all old and young men were to bring Winjiru and a goat to the top of the hilltop. Two days later, the village gathered at the top of the hill. Wanjiru began to sink into the ground and called for help. The villagers ignored her request and as her family reached out to save her, the villagers pushed onto them the goats of sacrifice. As Wanjiru sunk to her neck, the clouds began to drop rain. A warrior in love with Wanjiru went to save her. He brought her home and hide her in his home and nursed back to

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