Women's Voices Feminist Visions By Mark Hugo Lopez

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“By 2012, the share of young women enrolled in college immediately after high school had increased to 71%, but it remained unchanged for young men at 61%.” This statistic is taken from Mark Hugo Lopez’s article Women's college enrollment gains leaves men behind. I find it interesting that even though women are succeeding even more by going to college at a higher rate than men, the family norm hasn’t changed. I see more influential women in social media urging women to make their own money. Although another finding that doesn’t not go along with progress college women have made is, “the tendency for women to marry men with higher incomes has persisted.”, so why is this? In this source, written by the editors of Family-studies.org; they predicted …show more content…

Which certainly makes the oppression of women in relationships and in a family an issue they are trying to defeat. In my women’s studies textbook Women’s Voices Feminist Visions they imply that due to sexism found in our patriarchal system the central goal of a feminist is to create gender justice. Some may think feminism is only about disliking men and blaming every sexist act or an oppressing thing on them, but that is not the case. Women can be sexist too, which is why it is important to combat these issues without blaming anyone. My textbook also went into detail on the history, “Revolutionary thinkers did not want to alter the existing system so that women would have more rights. We wanted to transform that system, to bring an end to patriarchy and sexism.”. (Shaw, Lee 38) This means that Feminists understand that you can’t erase what you have already been taught but you can change your views and how you interpret the information. And whether you would personally are affected by any of the issues feminist fight for you should still support others in their decisions. For instance a woman can say she will never have an abortion but still support the right for other women to chose. In this situation it is important that feminist continue to teach equality whether they want to have a traditional or equal relationship or even …show more content…

The junior/senior complex is when both partners in the household or relationship work but the wife or female partner still does all the domestic work. But worst of all, even though she works and does all the domestic work she is still not looked at as equal. Next the head-complement complex is the most traditional of the three structural ways. The “head” in the head-complement is usually the husband who takes care of the of only the family wage, and the wife’s main responsibility is to take care of the children and