In 1995, American journalist and political activist Gloria Steinem wrote the essay “Wonder Woman” and published it as the introduction to her book Wonder Woman: Featuring over Five Decades of Great Covers. Steinem wrote this essay to discuss the promotion of feminism in popular media, especially in comic books. She begins the essay with a tribute to William Moulton Marston’s superheroine Wonder Woman, recounting with a nostalgic tone the hundreds of languid afternoons hiding in a tree and restless nights swaddled in blankets during which her childhood self would eagerly pore over the pages of comic books she had bought herself. Then, she switches to a more earnest tone as she compares the adventures of Wonder Woman with the societal burdens …show more content…
A female child is left to believe that, even when her body is as big as her spirit, she will still be helping with minor tasks, appreciating the accomplishments of others, and waiting to be rescued. Of course, pleasure is to be found in all these experiences…pleasure that should be open to boys, too” (266). This declaration is key to understanding why Wonder Woman is such a revolutionary figure in the comic book business. Not only does Wonder Woman inspire self-respect in women since she is the first major female superhero, rising from a mass of blood, violence, and heroic men in previous comics, but also she relieves some of the coming-of-age pressures many adolescent boys face in social situations with both girls and other guys: controlling their emotions, standing independently, being the one to initiate, and so on. According to Steinem, boys and girls need to be equally represented in media so they both understand the importance of not only helping others and benefiting society but also receiving help from those more skillful. This message embodies the goal of true feminism, to empower women and feminize men to advance