
Work Life Balance: The Disadvantages Of Work In The Workplace

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INTRODUCTION In the 21st century workplace, almost every employee or employer is talking about having a work life balance. What is work life balance? Work life balance is the key to battle stress, guaranteeing both individual and organizational achievement. The stress that is caused by an unbalanced work life is costly; it decreases productivity and escalates individual health threats. Everyone always has more than one role to play in their lives. They are parents, someone’s child, workers, friends, relatives and the list goes on. They need to also look after themselves in terms of their physical health and mental well-being. It comes to no surprise that attaining balance between all of these urgencies can be very tough and challenging. …show more content…

It is proven that workers who are better ready to take care of family needs and personal commitments through flexible timing are more inclined to be productive, while good workers who work from home may accomplish significantly more work if they are away from the workplace interferences (. Although this may seem like it’s a benefit to the employee, it is actually more beneficial to the employers or the organization as the productivity of their employees ultimately determine the productivity of the company. Another benefit of flexible working to the employers is the fact that flexible working programs offer a way for organizations to increase employee loyalty without the need to make major changes in their management and operations. It has been proven that most convenient and famous flexible work options are the ones that involve the least amount of change (Sheley 2015). For example, flexible working time, job sharing and compressed work weeks almost don’t make any change to the managements or the operations of the …show more content…

Flexible working such as flexi-time, part-time work, home-based work and so on can help reduce absenteeism (Possenriede, 2011). This may be because they are able to enable the mishmash of paid work with other activities. If you look at it in the long term, it would definitely further bring down the absenteeism rate by improving workers health. For example, his happens through the decreased amount of stress and developed job satisfaction. This would be a significant effect for superintendents and present a business case for adaptable working time courses of action, as non-attendance is exorbitant for both firms and society all in all (Possenriede, 2011).

Last but not least, the other benefit of implementing flexible working is that the company would be indirectly motivating their workers. Employees who have their jobs or tasks personalized to meet their personal needs is most likely to be more motivated (Web Hires Limited, 2007). When workers get to customize their job based on their individual needs, they would be more comfortable with what they do. This automatically would give them happiness and boost their motivation to get their work

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