Busy Mom Research Paper

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Workout Tips for Busy Moms As a mom, you may find it hard to squeeze some time for your workout since you have several things to do at home. Your day starts as early as 5 am to prepare for your family’s breakfast and lunch boxes. You help your kids get dressed and send them off to school. You wash the dishes, change your baby’s diapers, clean the house, do the laundry and prepare dinner at night. You also teach your kids and help them do their projects and homework as soon as they get home. Indeed, moms are busy individuals. They work round-the-clock. Hence, they don’t pay much attention to their fitness and health. As a result, you end up acquiring those extra fats. If you want to get back in shape, here are some workout tips you can do no matter how busy you are. Workout while your kids are sleeping. Kids …show more content…

Every weekend, you and your friends can go jogging, have a friendly tennis match, do some yoga or even hit the gym as a group. Integrate exercise into your daily activities whenever you can. There are a lot of times on when you can integrate simple exercises while doing your daily activities. You just don’t realize it. You can do quick and easy exercises while you are waiting for your meals to get cooked or while you are watching television with your family. Do simple lunges, squats or dumbbell lifts. Just make sure you won’t hit anything while you workout. You can even exercise while you sit and watch your toddler play. You can do some handgrip exercises, raise your legs or do arm stretches while you remain seated. Take your kids to the playground and play. Who says that kids are the only ones allowed to enjoy the playgrounds? Don’t just watch your kids play, play with them too so that you can break a