
World Hunger

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People are noticing the problem that we are having here, and are actually trying to do something about it. In the past 10 years we’ve taken 40% of the planet’s total landmass and turned it into cornfields and almond orchards, cattle ranches and orange groves. The good thing about the people that care about the issue is that they are actually trying to make an attempt to help the problem. A big way that we produce food for people in our world are farmers. Farmers aren’t getting paid that much money at all though. In fact small farmers make up 70% of the world’s poor people, so that means funds are needed for small farming and rural development (Bulletin) If farmers don’t have the funds to plant the food that we need, or watch over the animals …show more content…

Rich or poor. The major places in the world that need help with food supply which are call “hot spots” are Africa, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Central America.
The Tabernas desert in Southern Spain is the most driest place in Europe and food cannot be grown. Then the land began to blossom, and today the arid is where more than half of Europe’s fresh vegetables and fruits are grown. The credit of this happening are greenhouses. A lot of land on Earth goes into producing products that could be considered unnecessary or excessive in their production. Things like Tobacco fields, sugar fields and bio fuels. All them things are in places on this earth. To be honest if we took out a lot of these fields and exchanged them with fields that can provide food for us then having food for everyone would be less of an issue. A lot of people say “Well if there is enough food for everyone on earth then why would it matter if we added other fields to grow plants for food?” Maybe we could add one of these food fields and add them into a hot spot area. If we add them there then they wouldn’t have to worry about getting their food shipped from another country. They would have their food right there and wouldn’t have to rely on anyone …show more content…

“Farmers in the world make up 70% of the world’s poor people. I want you to just think right now what you just read. I will repeat it, “Farmers in the world make up 70% of the world’s poor people!!!” (Manila Bulletin) The people who provide food for markets that we go get food from are among the world’s poor. If they are poor then that means it would be hard for them to go plant all the food that we need, and take care of all the chickens and pigs and different animals until they are ready to be placed in markets and ordered and eaten by us. Funds are needed for small farming and rural development. “In the United States as much as 40% of produce grown is never sold or eaten (Issacson). Consumers won’t buy

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