World War 1 Propaganda Essay

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World War 1, beginning from August 1914 to November 1918, was ultimately a time of demise for European countries. During this time, the use of propaganda became widespread and significant to be considered a turning point for World War 1. The power of image became largely recognized as important because of each message the image would display. The entire point of the propaganda was to sway the public opinion and propaganda was one of the fastest ways to do that during this time. In The Ways of the World, by Robert Strayer, are quite a few examples of war time propaganda from the time of World War 1. These will be used to exemplify the extent of emotion, desperation, and turmoil World War 1 was causing during this time. Many say propaganda was used as a weapon during the time of the Great War as it was previously known. Propaganda was constantly used to have total influence over international opinion and have impact on the public's actions. “A distinctive feature of World War 1 was the extensive use of troops drawn from the colonies of the contending powers.” (p 1028 Strayer) While initially apprehensive about drawing from these colonies, there was a desperate need during this time that forced …show more content…

“The German Artist Otto Dix who served in his country's military forces throughout the war and was seriously wounded, portrayed this situation in a 1920 painting called Prague Street.” (p 1031) Dix and other artists all set out to create the “No More War” movement, which eventually led to other troubles. This picture “deliberately included subject matter that was upsetting and even ugly, and it made little attempt to create a unified image, preferring to present disconnected particles of experience.” (p 1031) This painting conveyed heavily the absolute horrendous outcome of the World War. Dix clearly did not want the world to forget how he and others alike suffered immensely, mentally and