World War II: Enigma Machines

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Enigma Machine Research Essay World war II was a time of extreme warfare that consisted of hidden messages, which required encoding. One of the most famous machines for this was the Enigma machine. A Enigma machine is a cipher solver to protect military communication, it was invented by Arthur Scherbius, a german engineer. The history of this machine has to be one of the most astonishing and revolutionary for the people of WWII. The first people to use the Enigma machine were the German navy in 1926 and the German army in 1928. It was used as a military technology for ciphers, the military modified the Enigma many times throughout their use of the machine. The communication in the military was divided into networks and each used different settings. The Germans came to use the Enigma as the german military needed a machine for ciphers and hidden messages. The Enigma has many self containing units that all work together to help the Enigma do its job. It has a keyboard and rotors, which are designed neighboring a spindle. The rotors are pressed with a component to turn everytime a key is pressed, …show more content…

The sender types the letters into the normal keyboard and a signal passes through plugboard that switches the letters around. Three rotors each change the letter that were outputted and after, a reflector send the signal back through the system again. The system is so complex that the first rotor goes back one step after every key pressed. Then the signal makes way to plugboard once again, and a letter lights up on the lightboard. The sender copies the letters that light up and send the message using morse code. The receiver writes down the random terms, but as they press the random letters, they get the real letters that has the message. The Enigma used morse code within its messages to keep from other figuring out what the communication

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