Worse Than Ready Meals Critical Analysis

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This essay is going to explore and develop arguments surrounding one of the public health issues regarding child nutrition and parental responsibilities. In developing and presenting this essay some various amounts of literature will be critically analysed to develop arguments regarding this issue. This essay will firstly look at the framing of a particular article published in the Daily Mail, entitled, home cooked baby food is ‘worse than ready meals’. With this article in mind and citing from the original source, it will consider how this article is framed with the readers in mind and analyses the way the public health issue can be presented to the public. Moving on from how this article is framed, this essay will consider this public health issue in terms of health inequalities, focusing on how obesity in children is much more of a complex issue than just the behaviour and responsibility of the parents and is shaped by multiple social determinants. …show more content…

If the newspaper article had a different title with a different positive tone such as for example, children’s ready meals are acceptable as an alternative to home cooked meals as the content of fat is less than what was first thought perceive by some. The impact and long term outcome could be different and allowing the readers to see that ready meals can also benefit children when used with a controlled diet and that they are an alternative. This is advised by the NHS in the introducing solid foods leaflets, which is available at sure start centres and is given to parents from health visitors. The information is also supported by unicef and start for life organisation, within this leaflet they offer tips for life and one is that homemade is the best option and that pre-packaged should be used as alternative for times when parents have less time or are out with their

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