Wrinkle In Time Movie Vs Book

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Why would somebody prefer the “A Wrinkle in Time” book over the movie? “A Wrinkle In Time” is a story about 3 young protagonists named Meg, Charles, and Calvin, as they embark on a journey through space and time to help defeat an evil entity in the universe. The movie is the same concept above where our three young protagonists adventure through the universe meeting friends to help stop the evil spreading through the universe.The story is more impactful than the movie because the events connect and flow better, the main character’s thoughts help put a lot of insight into the story, and the book is more true to the story.
The story is better than the movie because the events flow much better. The text states, “Then they were through it, and she (Meg) was standing breathlessly on her feet on the same hill on which they had first landed on Camazotz (Page 98).” While in the movie Mrs.Which tells the main characters something similar to, “Your will to find your father has …show more content…

In the book one of the biggest parts of it is when the characters have to flee their first confrontation with the IT through this quote, “‘Tesser, sir!’ she (Meg) heard Calvin’s voice through the red darkness. ‘Tesser!’ She felt her father (Mr.Murry) grab her by the wrist, there was a terrible jerk that seemed to break every bone in her body, then the dark nothing of tessering (Page 79).” In the movie the characters never had to flee and learn from their mistakes, and instead went to the IT and were able to find and beat the IT with their first attempt through Charles Wallace saying something similar to, “ I’m taking them (Meg, Charles, and Calvin) to the IT. You won’t last there.” The story in the book is the truest because it details everything that happens with the three protagonists having to flee, and Meg having to get nurtured back to health, while the movie cuts corners and skips entire plot points to finish the